This is week is already turning out to be different from last week. On Monday I worked by myself sorting bags of clothes, shoes, art supplies, and toys that people had donated. Then Eunice sent me into the Hope of Life Village to clean a building so another group could use it for a dental clinic. A bunch of kids from the village just appeared and helped me. There were so many of them that I didn't have anything to do so I just tried to talk to them but failed. They laughed at me. After lunch, I went back to the building with the dental team to assist them. We swept and wiped everything down again since I had only gone over it quickly in the morning. We were about to start setting everything up when the person in charge decided that it would be better to do the clinic up at the Rancho Taiwan because they would be too hot down there. So off to the Rancho to clean tables for them. They were waiting for bigger equipment to be brought in from another dentist so my work was done pretty early. I had time just to relax and journal before dinner. Afterwards we had worship and devotion with all the volunteers.
Connor and Hugo on a scooter |
Tuesday was an exhausting day. In the morning Connor and I went with Pastor Doug's group to El Mitch, a village about 25 minutes away. To get there, we took this road that a mini van shouldn't take and we took it in a bus. We got so many leaves inside. The road we were supposed to take was closed because of construction so we had to take that little detour. When we got there, we lead a VBS type of thing for about 70 kids. Julio translated while they talked about Jesus and did a few crafts. Afterwards the boys played soccer and I played
pato, pato, ganzo (duck, duck, goose) with the little ones. We stopped on the way back to get drinks at a stand on the side of the road owned by a lady who lives in HOL village. I don't like coke so I decided to get something purple in a bag. Drinks often come in bags; you bite off the corner and then drink out of it. It tasted like any purple drink. It also cost me Q2 which is about 26 cents. Yes it's that cheap. Connor's coke was Q2.50 so 35 cents ish. That was in a little plastic bottle though.
The kids praying |
Purple in a bag |
In the afternoon, we joined a team from South Carolina and painted Causelife, the worship center in La Casitas. We painted it a nice bright white. I'm not the cleanest painter so I ended up with paint everywhere, even in my hair. I accidentally backed against a wet wall. Oops. My favorite part of the afternoon was seeing Claudio again. He remembered me after all the picture taking at the medical clinic last week and ran up to me to give me a big hug. After a well earned shower, we had my favorite churrascos for dinner. They are flour tortillas with rice, pork, cole slaw, and salsa. So good.
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